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Udemy線上課程 掌握嵌入式ARM Cortex-M4編程 講師:Tienan Hu 影音教學 中文發音 中文版(DVD版)

Udemy線上課程 掌握嵌入式ARM Cortex-M4編程 講師:Tienan Hu 影音教學 中文發音 中文版(DVD版)

Udemy線上課程 掌握嵌入式ARM Cortex-M4編程 講師:Tienan Hu 影音教學 中文發音 中文版(DVD版)

1. 本課程是關於ARM Cortex-M4的嵌入式編程,主要包括ARM彙編指令、M4內核特性的程序開發,以及操作系統任務切換和鎖的實現。
( This course is about embedded programming for the ARM Cortex-M4, primarily covering ARM assembly instructions, program development for the M4 core features, as well as implementing operating system task switching and locks.)
2. 課程中包含大量代碼實驗,幫助大家直觀的學習ARM Cortex-M4的編程方法。
(The course includes a significant number of code experiments to help everyone learn the programming methods of ARM Cortex-M4 in a visual way.)
3. 可下載文件中包含影片中編寫的代碼,建議大家在學習時跟著影片一起來寫代碼,並在課後獨立復現代碼以鞏固所學知識。
(The downloadable files include the code written in the videos. It is recommended for everyone to write code alongside the videos while learning, and to independently reproduce the code after the lessons to solidify the knowledge gained.)
4. 影片中的課堂筆記是中文的,同時在可下載文件中包含了英文版本。
(The classroom notes used in the video are in Chinese. There is an English version of the classroom notes available for download. You can also translate it into any other language you are familiar with and use it as a reference while watching the video.)
01 - 課前準備知識(Preparatory Knowledge Before Class)
001 ARM-Cortex-M4-notes.pdf
001 ARM-Cortex-M4.pdf
001 DDI0403E-d-armv7m-arm.pdf
001 課程介紹(Course Introduction).mp4
001 課程介紹(Course Introduction).srt
002 微處理器的構成(The Composition of Microprocessors).mp4
002 微處理器的構成(The Composition of Microprocessors).srt
003 CPU是如何運行的(How does a CPU run a program).mp4
003 CPU是如何運行的(How does a CPU run a program).srt

02 - 軟件環境搭建(Setting up a software environment)
001 軟件開發過程(The software development process).mp4
001 軟件開發過程(The software development process).srt
002 安裝編譯工具(Installing compilation tools).mp4
002 安裝編譯工具(Installing compilation tools).srt
003 安裝調試工具(Installing debugging tools).mp4
003 安裝調試工具(Installing debugging tools).srt

03 - 寄存器和匯編指令(Registers and assembly instructions)
001 寄存器(Registers).mp4
001 寄存器(Registers).srt
002 匯編指令(Assembly instructions).mp4
002 匯編指令(Assembly instructions).srt
003 匯編實驗代碼1(Assembly experiment code 1).mp4
003 匯編實驗代碼1(Assembly experiment code 1).srt
004 匯編實驗代碼2(Assembly experiment code 2).mp4
004 匯編實驗代碼2(Assembly experiment code 2).srt

04 - 建立工程(Creating a project)
001 目錄結構和Makefile編寫(Directory structure and Makefile writing).mp4
001 目錄結構和Makefile編寫(Directory structure and Makefile writing).srt
002 lds腳本編寫(Writing an lds script).mp4
002 lds腳本編寫(Writing an lds script).srt
003 start.S文件(The start.S file).mp4
003 start.S文件(The start.S file).srt

05 - C調用匯編(C calling assembly)
001 內聯函數(Inline functions).mp4
001 內聯函數(Inline functions).srt
002 嵌入匯編(Embedded assembly).mp4
002 嵌入匯編(Embedded assembly).srt
003 直接調用匯編標號(Directly calling assembly labels).mp4
003 直接調用匯編標號(Directly calling assembly labels).srt

06 - UART打印(UART printing)
001 UART驅動對接printf(Integrating the printf function with a UART driver).mp4
001 UART驅動對接printf(Integrating the printf function with a UART driver).srt

07 - 中斷和異常(Interrupts and exceptions)
001 異常向量表(Exception Vector Table).mp4
001 異常向量表(Exception Vector Table).srt
002 使能和關閉中斷(Enabling and Disabling Interrupts).mp4
002 使能和關閉中斷(Enabling and Disabling Interrupts).srt
003 HardFault異常(HardFault Exception).mp4
003 HardFault異常(HardFault Exception).srt

001 寄存器配置(Register Configuration).mp4
001 寄存器配置(Register Configuration).srt
002 輪詢延時函數(Polling Delay Function).mp4
002 輪詢延時函數(Polling Delay Function).srt
003 中斷延時函數(Interrupt Delay Function).mp4
003 中斷延時函數(Interrupt Delay Function).srt

09 - 工作模式(Operating Mode)
001 CONTROL寄存器(CONTROL Register).mp4
001 CONTROL寄存器(CONTROL Register).srt
002 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).mp4
002 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).srt

10 - 嵌套向量中斷NVIC(Nested Vector Interrupt Controller )
001 使能和掛起(Enable and Pend).mp4
001 使能和掛起(Enable and Pend).srt
002 優先級配置(Priority Configuration).mp4
002 優先級配置(Priority Configuration).srt
003 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).mp4
003 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).srt
004 UART-RX中斷(UART-RX Interrupt).mp4
004 UART-RX中斷(UART-RX Interrupt).srt

11 - 中斷處理流程(Interrupt Handling Process)
001 調用者保存和被調用者保存寄存器(Caller-Saved and Callee-Saved Registers).mp4
001 調用者保存和被調用者保存寄存器(Caller-Saved and Callee-Saved Registers).srt
002 棧幀(Stack Frame).mp4
002 棧幀(Stack Frame).srt
003 EXC_RETURN和處理流程(EXC_RETURN and Processing Flow).mp4
003 EXC_RETURN和處理流程(EXC_RETURN and Processing Flow).srt

12 - 浮點型單元(Floating-Point Unit)
001 浮點型數據的存儲(Storage of Floating-Point Data).mp4
001 浮點型數據的存儲(Storage of Floating-Point Data).srt
002 硬浮點和軟浮點(Hard Floating-Point and Soft Floating-Point).mp4
002 硬浮點和軟浮點(Hard Floating-Point and Soft Floating-Point).srt
003 CM4的硬浮點單元(Hardware Floating-Point Unit in CM4).mp4
003 CM4的硬浮點單元(Hardware Floating-Point Unit in CM4).srt

13 - SVC異常(SVC Exception)
001 觸發SVC異常(Triggering the SVC Exception).mp4
001 觸發SVC異常(Triggering the SVC Exception).srt
002 讀取SVC參數1(Reading SVC Parameters 1).mp4
002 讀取SVC參數1(Reading SVC Parameters 1).srt
003 讀取SVC參數2(Reading SVC Parameters 2).mp4
003 讀取SVC參數2(Reading SVC Parameters 2).srt

14 - PendSV異常(PendSV Exception)
001 觸發PendSV異常(Triggering the PendSV Exception).mp4
001 觸發PendSV異常(Triggering the PendSV Exception).srt
002 通過PendSV異常實現任務切換(Implementing Task Switching Using the PendSV Exception).mp4
002 通過PendSV異常實現任務切換(Implementing Task Switching Using the PendSV Exception).srt
003 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).mp4
003 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).srt

15 - 排他訪問和位段操作(Exclusive Access and Bit-Band Operation)
001 位段操作讀寫SRAM(Bit-Band Operation for Reading and Writing SRAM).mp4
001 位段操作讀寫SRAM(Bit-Band Operation for Reading and Writing SRAM).srt
002 排他訪問(Exclusive Access).mp4
002 排他訪問(Exclusive Access).srt
003 通過排他訪問實現自旋鎖(Implementing Spin Lock with Exclusive Access).mp4
003 通過排他訪問實現自旋鎖(Implementing Spin Lock with Exclusive Access).srt

16 - MPU (Memory Protection Unit)
001 寄存器功能(Register Functions).mp4
001 寄存器功能(Register Functions).srt
002 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).mp4
002 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).srt

17 - 錯誤異常(Fault Exceptions)
001 寄存器功能(Register Functions).mp4
001 寄存器功能(Register Functions).srt
002 觸發錯誤異常(Triggering Fault Exceptions).mp4
002 觸發錯誤異常(Triggering Fault Exceptions).srt

18 - 低功耗模式(Low Power Modes)
001 指令和寄存器(Instructions and Registers).mp4
001 指令和寄存器(Instructions and Registers).srt
002 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).mp4
002 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).srt

19 - 使用CMSIS庫(Using CMSIS Library)
001 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).mp4
001 代碼實驗(Code Experiment).srt

20 - 結束(End)
001 結束(End).mp4
001 結束(End).srt


熱門關鍵字 三節課 建立者 sanjieke 徐德華 XuDehua 好醫術 翁田山 ChatGPT 4HANA YOLOv8 孵科未來 療愈 Frank Medical Morgan Skills Superb 24步落地法 AIGC是什麼 ChatGPT201 FICO FOCO Future Jessica M4編程 QML多線程 QML網絡 QT核心模塊 Seet SEM實戰 TTT貓計劃 Viral Web3 Web3是什麼 YouTube |瞭解web3 入行必學 九段支行長 十問 亢少軍
